Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

Seeking Happiness Within? Explore Spanista Philosophy Belief #2

Seeking Happiness Within? Explore Spanista Philosophy Belief #2.jpegPINIMAGE

Happiness Handcrafted Card Discovered in Surf Coffee Shop-Laguna Beach, California

Dear Wellness Seekers,

Seeking Happiness Within? Explore Spanista Philosophy Belief #2. The quest for happiness – lasting happiness is within our control to achieve. Yes my friends,it really is.

It is a matter of reframing how we view our world. I like the analogy of putting on a new pair of designer sunglasses with special lenses. What makes these lenses different? They shift your perspective as they do not help you see the outside world better like traditional sunglasses. These lenses help you see your inner world.

If you saw my post on Spanista Belief #1 last week, (Click Living the Philosophy category) the idea will be to layer on Belief #2 this week. In the first of a series of 5 on Spanista Philosophy and Beliefs, I explored Belief #1 and encouraged you to spend some time reflecting on it. If you have made a conscious choice to explore ways to make YOU a priority going forward, good for you! Let us move on, shall we?

Here is Spanista Belief #2:  To achieve lasting happiness is ‘to be in touch with ones true nature’ by making a commitment to proactive Self Care.

The basis of this Spanista Belief is seeking happiness within by exploring your ‘Happy and Whole Zones’. This focuses on Self Awareness so will help you create an enlightening visual roadmap in a safe personal environment. Now lets put on those special Spanista sunglasses.

When you look into your inner world what do you see?

The next step is to reflect upon your sources of happiness. This centers on what makes you feel joyful. There is one consideration for this exercise. It is that your focus must be on YOU and you alone. You see, we often define our needs and joy through others. While this is an important facet to a fulfilling life, we often do this at the sacrifice of our emotional wellness – our deeper, personal desires get ignored for various reasons. This repeated behavior puts a callous on our real feelings. We need to get through layers of hurt we did not know we are creating in our hearts that affects our bodies because of this repeated behavior.

So this Belief is about being open and receptive to the messages your heart is sending you through your body – it is about suppressing the endless chatter of your mind to allow your heart of your heart get a word in!

Now with your special sunglasses in place, look inside yourself while exploring two Proactive Self Care questions I will ask you to reflect upon:

1. Define what makes you feel really happy?

2. What makes you feel really whole?

Begin to think about what are the simple things in your daily, weekly and monthly routine that can be shaped into enhanced Proactive Self Care?

Tomorrow I will offer thoughts on how to go more deeply into the ‘Happy and Whole Zones’ and mine the feelings that surface as they will carry us forward on The Self Care Journey To Joy.

I will be doing this same exercise this week – won’t you give it a go and join me? Look forward to seeing you tomorrow for Part 2 of Seeking Happiness Within? Explore Spanista Philosophy Belief #2.

To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,


Spanista Founder & Self Care Advocate

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