Dear Wellness Seeker,
Weekend Recharge Unplug From Media Noise With Gator Bait Airboat Adventure shares the idea of seizing the opportunity summer brings us to feed ones soul by getting into the great outdoors. The last few weeks have been intense for so many reasons. You could not miss the party convention coverage – it was everywhere. The true defining moment was we now have the first female candidate. Compared to the world the US has been far behind the curve politically as there are powerful women leaders for generations like in Great Britain. So much fear gets stirred up in a presidential election year as themes are batted back and forth and twisted by today’s very media savvy personalities. Couple the media noise with a catastrophic trend toward mass shootings with a twisted attack on the very people who commit their lives to public safety is almost more than we can take in while we deal with the usual stresses of everyday life – work, home and family needs.
The NOISE from the multi-layered, fast paced news cycle is overwhelming. It is less about what is ‘essential to know’ to know to make an informed voting decision than it is ‘hype to attract social media attention’. To my mind the candidates are simply mimicking the media’s agenda. In the meantime the real issues remain in a fog where in we are yet to see through to the real positions the candidates present and the pros and cons of those positions.
While I was doing my Reflection Walk this weekend I turned into Pop Country on my new go to music app, Music Choice where I get to see videos and listen to music. Spanista loves all styles of music but in the summer, great country music can capture the natural feeling of summer. Sadly we only have a few short weeks to enjoy it. A song that captured my mood perfectly is Kenny Chesney song and video “Noise”. If you have not heard it, please check it out to punctuate my message. It captures the sentiment of the situation for me.
This song inspired me to unplug for the weekend. I called family members I had not seen for a while suggesting we do something together, off the grid. Rather than go to the beach we headed inland to take in a never done before experience I hoped could crack the numbness from the noise – to engage with nature and draw us into the moment with something simpler and more real.
We took an airboat operated by Gator Bait Airboat Adventures Ride out in a beautiful nature preserve about 15 minutes west of Vero Beach, Florida. Vero Beach is along the east central coast of Florida. Well – it was one of the coolest things I have ever done in Florida – so real and relaxing, so full of creatures you never get to see. An airboat ride gives you a buzz of a different kind – it makes you feel fully alive. We saw so much wildlife in their natural environment like gators, birds of all types and babies too while the cool breeze washes over you as you buzz from one location to another in a hunt for wildlife wonder.
Weekend Recharge Unplug From Media Noise With Gator Bait Airboat Adventure put me in a new mindset. The moments were treasures wherein each added to the next to fill me with a hopeful perspective. A type of calmness came over me that I have never felt before while the buzz of the airboat fully charged my body with positive energy. I saw Florida from a very different lens as did my family members. It is hard to put into words – you just have to do it something like this to understand it.
So Spanista suggests before summer slips away to unplug and seep yourself in to a natural experience you have never done before. It will help you feel grounded again. And help you step into the real world with a healthier state of mind ready to bring on a defining moment in this election year for our country.
To Your Self Care Journey of Joy,