Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

Virtues of Sharing Ones Blessings Generously

Dear Wellness Seekers,

Virtues of Sharing Ones Blessings Generously is about stopping sometime in the day to reflect inward  on your blessings. We all have them but can loose perspective as our active lives overpower our daily live. As I travel I need to remind myself of what is important.
Today Spanista encourages realizing the abundance we have in our lives as a way to enhance your emotional wellness. It does there not matter what the circumstances but it may taking putting on a different set of lenses to see it. These shells are a collection I use as tools to ponder as I express my thoughts in my heart – each shell I pick up moves me to another blessing. As a feel the shape in texture I reflect on that blessing. When done I pick up the next. Consider it exrcises for the spirit to create Emotional Fitness. It is a wonderful way to stay focused and not drift away to the real world. Here is a reflection meditation from Unity Word that I found helps me focus.

Today I practice prosperity by sharing my blessings. When I receive a sum of money or something else of value, I share it. I consider organizations and individuals who feed me spiritually and give back to them with my time, talent, and treasure. I enjoy sharing and notice how my generosity lifts the spirits of others.

Charles Fillmore, cofounder of Unity, taught that “we increase whatever we praise.” When I notice someone has done well, gone above and beyond, or has said or done something inspiring, I praise them. Appreciating them makes me happy! Seeing the joy on another’s face is reason enough to generously share my praise and blessings.

Today Spanista encourages realizing the abundance we have in our lives through reflection time – consider enhancing it with a walk at lunch or this evening. This self care can help make it a perfect summer for YOU!

To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,


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