Dear Wellness Seekers,
The Spanista Reflection Walk this morning took on a different intention. You see, today is what we call Getaway Day to Kansas City. We are getting the last details in order with our home in Tampa, organizing and packing. There always seems like so much time to do these things and then the last day arrives and you think of more to do!
Today, I will share the moments I enjoyed on my walk with the intention of being thankful for friends, experiences and the unique lifestyle we treasure in this part of the world, until we return again. I am especially grateful for the joys of nature in this warm climate. And excited for you to see this butterfly that crossed my walking path in Hyde Park. These lovely beings can be illusive to photograph as they flutter away so quickly but this morning this lovely lady indulged me as she glowed in the warm sun.
We always look forward to spending fall at out country home in Kansas City, especially because we can spend quality time with our family. It too is a special city located right in the middle of this great country with a cool vibe most have yet to discover – creative, cosmopolitan, entrepreneurial. The home of Kate Spade, Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse and a writing post for Ernest Hemingway. Not to mention it boasts the best barbecue anywhere. So this morning it was fun to see a feature article on Kansas City this morning in the New York Times,”Millennials Going to Kansas City, to Live and Work”. It will be fun to share my Spanista Travel Diary from there next.
Well I need to be off to get things done. Will be in touch from Kansas City tomorrow. Enjoy this pics from the Spanista Reflection Walk in Tampa. Sweet memories.
To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,
Spanista Founder & Self Care Advocate