Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

Sharing Wellness Wisdom Delicious Medicine Body & Soul


Dear Wellness Seekers,

Sharing Wellness Wisdom Delicious Medicine Body & Soul is a feature article in this weeks Sunday New York Times Magazine by Tamra Adler, dateline November 19, 2014. It captured my attention because it is rare for the NYTimes to put forth an article on everyday wellness issues like overcoming illness.

Spanista loves the subject of Nurturng Yourself!  The personal nature of the narrative is a twist I think you will enjoy too – a story shared from the heart leaving the writer vulnerable to the world. Also unusual. Not many writers in the public eye are willing to demonstrate human frailty around acute illness- I respect Tamra Adler for her strength of self in doing so. She is an eloquent writer so it is a short but worthy read and you will get a reward. There is a wonderful Self Care Recipe for her Health Soup at the end.

There are a waves of cold and flu that waves through America. They take control of our bodies and stop us in our tracks. Tamra’s article ‘Delicious Medicine for Body and Soul’ speaks of  ‘flattening of spirit and deadening of joy in which illness results’  – who does not agree that being taken by a bug or a cold or worse strips one of a zest for life. And it seems to come upon us when we least expect it. Why is that?

Why is that? Spanista believes it is because we are no longer ‘in touch’ with ourselves – we are ‘out of touch’ as we are absorbed by loads of other priorities and distractions. It is when we are no longer in touch with our bodies and how we feel – we are stressed and our immunity system is vulnerable. We stop watching our diet and our self care is sacrificed.

Really Wellness Seekers, if you are ‘out of touch with how you really feel’  for too long a time, you will invariably get sick. This is about aligning physical and emotional wellbeing. It is time to focus on getting out of your head and into your body.

Spanista Takeaway: Take control of your Self Care. Early this week I wrote about taking measures to deal with stress and an even earlier posts about the practicing proactive Self Care as a main tenant of the Spanista Philosophy & Values System. if you want to prevent illness this seasons you can review the System in detail by going to the menu tabs to read up on ways to take better care of yourself both emotionally and physically. Just because you are worth it!

For example here is a Self Care Ritual: Why wait until you get sick to indulge in your preferred remidy? Be proactive by enjoying your favorite home made chicken soup every Saturday for lunch. Its a time when you can relax, ponder on its warmth and healthy nutrients as it flows into you body. Feel it makingyou stronger. Tamra’s Healthy Soup Remedy is a great recipe – but I want to see it move from a reactive solution to a proactive solution as she speaks of  ‘meals to hasten healing…’ and “how I can feed  and eat a path to wellness…’

Spansita hopes you will take charge of your self care and treasure these pearls of wisdom to nurture your body and soul as you move into the holiday seasons.

What is your favorite homemade remedy? How can it become a healthy Proactive Self Care Ritual?

May Your Self Care Journey To Joy Be Merry, Healthy & Bright,






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