Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

Seeking Happiness Within? Spanista Philosophy Belief #2 Continued


Seeking Happiness Within Framed Quote, Gift From a Friend in Spanista Inspiration Salon

Dear Wellness Seekers,

Welcome back for Seeking Happiness Within? Spanista Philosophy Belief #2 Continued.

Yesterday, I shared the basis for Spanista Belief #2: To achieve lasting happiness is ‘to be in touch with ones true nature’ by making a commitment to proactive Self Care.

At the heart of this wellness Belief is seeking happiness within by exploring your ‘Happy and Whole Zones’. This focuses on your Self Awareness so it will help you create an enlightening visual roadmap in a safe personal environment. Now lets put on those Spanista sunglasses I mentioned yesterday with the special lenses. seeking happiness within.

When seeking happiness within, look into your inner world. What do you see?

Exploring two key questions in-depth will call for having an attractive notebook and pen close at hand to jot down the thoughts that surface. This is a stimulant as writing these thoughts by hand releases them and allows new ones to surface. Thereby allowing your body an emotional outlet not unlike an artist working a paint brush – it is a creative expression of energy that cannot be denied. You want to let your mind flow – no editing, just jot down what comes to mind. For each new thought draw a circle and put the key theme in it. As you go, if you find some ideas relate to a theme you have already noted in a circle, then put them next to it. I call this ‘clustering zones’. It will reveal valuable patterns in your feelings. This exercise is about brainstorming a lot of themes in a 20 minute window for each – question #1 and #2.  You can do this when have some time later this week. To get prepared for your brainstorm session, ask yourself the questions below. When is best? The early morning is good, when you have breaks during the day or late evening – whenever you find private time.

Here are the two proactive Self Care questions to reflect upon that will inspire your themes. Remember to look inside yourself with your ‘special sunglasses’. This is only about YOU:

1. What makes you feel really happy?

What little things do you do, when you do them make you feel happy? What helps you feel free – light of heart? Can you hear your inner voice? What is it saying? Can your recognize and work through your feelings? Does a spa facial make you happy? Fresh flowers? What are the Happy Zones that are yours and yours alone? What relieves your stress in a beneficial manner?

2. What makes you feel really whole?

What defines your inner beauty? Is it about getting time to stop the madness and relax for a short while? Is nurturing your soul with inspiring reading or escaping in a period novel? Is it luxuriating in a quiet bath? Is it enjoying an adult refreshment that satisfies your taste buds? Does a spa massage or a facial transform you? What are your Wholeness Zones that are your and yours alone?

Now look at the page of circles – your ‘Happy and Whole Zones Roadmap’. After a few days of reflection and sleeping on the themes your body will allow your deep seeded desires to evaluate the themes. Resist trying to prioritize them now…just go back to the ‘Happy and Whole Zones Roadmap’ now and then over the long Labor Day weekend and reflect on what it inspires. Listen to you body here – get out of your head and into your body. Begin to feel where happy surfaces. So what are the simple things in your daily, weekly and monthly routine that can be shaped into enhanced proactive Self Care?

Come Saturday and Sunday jot down anything your body tells you about your themes. Avoid judging, just write. We will come back to your zones – just let them grow in your heart.

You are worth this Self Care effort. Designing your own style of Self Care is happiness personified as it is your divine and true nature to enjoy life just the way you are.  The best part is this does not require you to change who you are, it is about getting to know who you really are and celebrating it.

Would love to know how you how you feel after the Belief #2 exercise?

To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,


Spanista Founder & Self Care Advocate

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