Dear Wellness Seekers,
Seasons of Spanista: Autumn Arrives With Aura of Peace is a celebration of this seasons ability to effect our emotional wellbeing through the senses: Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch. If we take the time to stop our fast paced activity and step back to see the bigger picture we can begin to reconnect with natures gifts.
Autumn is my favorite season for this very reason.
May I ask you – What does Autumn mean to you? Not just in the physical world around you but inside your heart? What about Autumn brings you deep emotional joy?
If you are open it, it’s abundance of riches will feed our souls with beautiful inspiration while our environment goes into transition. The clues are everywhere to motivate reflection – Are we too going through a transition? Are we moving forward with the natural progression of things during our life on earth? This focused attention on the moment at hand helps us stay in touch with the real world and that in turn will help you stay in touch with your true nature. Through planning to be present and part of the transformation of this season you will experience the restorative powers inherent in the Seasonal Rhythm of Life.
A season so rich in stimulation can offer one an altered state of mind and heart – serenity, enlightenment, happiness. One that surrounds you in an Aura of Peace – a state of tranquility. The photo of the glorious light breaking through the golden trees is one I wanted to share – it signals hope and the light of life is free and available to us all. Spanista believes Fall offers us the emotional benefits of Peace and that is why I linked it with Asian symbol for Peace.
Could it be such for you?
Over the next few weeks you will experience Autumn through the eyes of Spanista.
I hope you will enjoy the many ways it stimulates your senses as it does for me.
Autumn is truly a celebration of joyful living.
To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,