Dear Wellness Seekers,
Spanista Salutes International Women’s Sunday March 8th. Funny thing is I discovered this dedicated event not while in the US but while I was in Australia. I do find it of interest that we here in the states seem to let it fly under the radar screen, while in other countries around the world it is top news.
I would love to ask you, why you think that is?
The United Nations established International Women’s Day as a platform to raise consciousness of the plight of women which is especially difficult in some cultures where women are suppressed in society. It also celebrates women’s accomplishments past, and presents while focusing on growing awareness of critical issues that need to change for the better. Great burden falls women around the globe to raise children and care for the family which includes providing financial support. To put that into context over one third of this population lives on less than $1.25 a day per UN reports.
Yet in the developed world women have made great strides educationally, professionally, financially and personally. To my mind the biggest advantage women have gained over the past 40 years has been CHOICE. We now have the ‘opportunities of choice’ to do anything we choose to do if we are prepared to cultivate our talents and work hard for it. There are many role models that once did not exist. Doors are open that were once closed. Guess that is why this years theme is “Make It Happen.” Based on the Infographic I chose to share above from the UN, the media seems to propagate the myths of gender.
Modern society points out, benchmarks on issues for change make us aware much progress is are yet to be realized. And interestingly they have to do with benchmarking women to men. But I want to offer an alternative opinion here. My salute to International Women’s Day comes in the form of a challenge. When will women stop comparing and start advocating our advantages – that our differences are supreme and exceptional onto their own right? One of our advantages, when well cultivated, is Emotional Intelligence – but we do not recognize it as such. ( I refer to yesterday’s post.) Other cultures seem to have a broader understanding of this than we do in the US. After all we are all Global Citizens thanks to the internet and commerce. Once again I do wonder why? Do you have thoughts on this you wish to share? Do comment?
Spanista Salutes International Women’s Sunday March 8th will share an example by way of an article I discovered called, “Do Women Have Higher Emotional Intelligence? How to Raise Your E.Q?” It highlights the story of Lady Catherine Ashon’s major diplomatic coup. I quote from the article, “It’s being described as one of the great diplomatic triumphs of this century. Iran has agreed to temporarily halt its nuclear program for six months in return for an easing of sanctions. The deal was done after weeks of diplomatic talks in Geneva with much of the credit going to Lady Catherine Ashton, the European Union’s high representative for foreign affairs and security policy. In particular Lady Ashton is being praised for her high level of emotional intelligence.”
The article goes on to offer 6 ways to evaluate your EQ by Daniel Goleman the Father of the Emotional Intelligence Movement and the ground breaking book Emotional Intelligence I & II. Check it out by clicking on the link above.
Spanista Takeaway: Mr. Goleman offers,”Emotions guide everything we do. Indeed, emotional intelligence is regarded as a far stronger predictor of success – in work, love and life – than traditional measures of intelligence, with 90% of leadership success being attributed to a high EQ.”
My Women Wellness Seekers, I think it’s time we stop defending ourselves and change the conversation to frame up our distinct advantages starting with cultivating our Emotional Intelligence and Wellbeing.
Thoughts? Please comment.
Credit for the Infographic: UN Women, The Beijing Critical Areas of Concern Deconstructed. Visit Focus 59.
To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,