Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

Natures Colorful Flowers Delight After Africa’s Dessert


Dear Wellness Seekers,

Natures Colorful Flowers Delight After Africa’s Dessert shares the emotional response Spanista experienced after taking a Reflection Walk in a lovely garden near my home in Kansas City.

After days in the desert, with my skin still feeling covered in layers of red earth no matter the number of times spent indulging in hot shower after hot shower in the last 24 hours after only having cold water in Ghana. I so look forward to going from living in raw environment to a more refined experience – curated nature as art form.

To Spanista this Walk in the Garden Experience is a feast for the eyes and heart – seeing the bounty of colors and the varieties of God’s treasures – yet ever so simple. Right down to the little bugs that are part of the ecosystem of beauty. The emotional load from the wonderful life changing trip to Ghana, Africa reached its peak as I came upon the color – so hungry was my heart for this vibrancy and so full my soul from the humanitarian trip – silent tears just started to flow.


And I let them flow – part of Spanista Self Care is knowing when to yield to your feelings. There was so much I took in that impacted my heart I needed to open the valve and let the emotion overflow. These were happy tears…

Natures Colorful Flowers Delight After Africa’s Dessert is about sharing the beauty in the garden with you. Enjoy the pics and I hope they speak to you like they did to me after my journey to Africa.

Come back tomorrow for more on Spanista’s humanitarian trip to Ghana, Africa for AbodShelters.

To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,


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