Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

Junk In Your Heart Summer Cleanup Time


Dear Wellness Seekers,

Junk In Your Heart Summer Cleanup Time is here. This is a totally spontaneous Spanista message I am compelled to open up a discussion on. Are you feeling like I am feeling come mid summer about a key topic? This time of year I cannot help but notice the escalation of THINGS in our lives. With Summer activities comes so many accoutrements –  Bikes,  beach bags, towels galore, swim gear, fishing gear, paddles boards, canoes, coolers, picnic baskets, outdoor patio gear, candle lanterns and on and on.

We have run out of garage space and in home storage space – after all how big can a home be. Now you know Spanista professes enjoying the change of seasons but there comes a point where we must stop the collection madness and get rid of the excess junk in our homes. Right? Right!

But as I was editing the junk from the jewels it occurred to me that this is also an opportunity to clean up the Junk in our Hearts! What junk you ask? Well upon some self examination time I discovered my heart is so full of emotional baggage or ‘junk’, I cannot even find my way to my soul!

So let’s look at this through a different lens shall we?

It takes the theme on creating Emotional Wellness from yesterday’s post a step further. Let’s ask ourselves what is the emotional junk we are carrying around in our hearts? Perhaps it’s a long harbored hurt by a friend who you have cut off from your life, a painful topic that goes unaddressed with you partner or a challenging relationship with a co-worker that is festering inside going unhealed?

Spanista suggests setting side time for Project Clean Up that you can do simultaneously before the end of July on two levels:

1. Summer Home Clean Up

2. Summer Heart Clean Up

Junk In Your Heart Summer Cleanup Time allows you to create a clean slate as the only way new good can arrive is if we clear out the old baggage. I can tell you from Spanista’s perspective after doing this i feel refreshed and lighter of heart – organizing things in life is worth the time and effort.

Hope you have the courage to set aside the time to do it? If you do let me know who you feel after you have completed the exercise.

To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,


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