Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

Good News Monday: Table Settings Possess Self Care Power


Dear Wellness Seekers,

Good News Monday: Table Settings Possess Self Care Power. Really? Really! As we move into the summer months we all think about shifting our eating habits for a host of reasons. They all point to a seasonal lifestyle change that can be enjoyable. But have you considered doing it with out sacrificing your self care and better yet enhancing it? Changes include: You may plan to enjoy the seasons bounty of  fruits and vegetables, the heat may call for lighter fares and menus, or you may be conscious of having a beach bound body – What ever the reasons, you might consider more than your food in supporting your Summer Self Care enjoyment. Here is curious Spanista News I found for Wellness Seekers.

Did you know that research has shown the context of your meal can have  significant influence on the way you perceive flavor?  That’s right – the color of the plate, the shape of the glass, the type of background music and ambient lighting can all significantly influence the way we perceive flavors.  A University of Oxford study reveals that even a meals smallest details – the forks, knives, and spoons with which it’s eaten can also affect our consumption and contentment. This Spanista discovery was made while reading an article called “Fork It Over” in Experience Life Magazine.

Vanessa Harrar who conducted the study says that being more mindful of utensil selection can increase our sense of novelty and encourage us to eat more mindfully. “Choosing an unfamiliar fork or using chopsticks, for example, might slow consumption and allow us time to make better food choices. It may also increase our awareness of what we are eating. Using odd environmental cues forces us to stop and taste – and actually perceive the situation,” offers Harrar. She suggests trying new table settings – new plateware, and different cutlery to refocus on the food you are eating. By incorporating one of more uncommon elements, she notes, we’re more apt to appreciate flavors and textures we could easily miss when you eat on autopilot. Variations in cutlery – size, weight, shape, color, or even your choice of utensil – can have a significant cognitive impact.

Spanista Takeaway- Good News Monday: Table Settings Possess Self Care Power points out as humans we develop expectations of how food is supposed to taste based upon previous experiences. Defying such assumptions by introducing unfamiliar elements may increase our awareness and satisfaction with a given meal even if the food itself is unchanged. That can lead to higher levels of joy and satisfaction through mindfulness.

So weather your setting summertime meals in Manhattan, Montana, Melbourne or Manaus, you can unleash Self Care Power with a little creativity. It is within your power to enhance Wellbeing with a little attention to changing things up on many levels depending upon the setting and who will join you. So make it fun while enhancing your self care experience for the better,

To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,



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