Dear Wellness Seeker,
Good News Monday: Professor Shares Joyful Wisdom begins this week off in a philosophically mindset. Spanista heard this fabulous story from an inspiring spiritual leader recently. It is so compelling I have not been able to stop thinking about it, so I am sharing it with you because it speaks so well to the Spansita philosophy of joyful living.
Imagine this – A professor is demonstrating an experiment to his class of bright students. He started with a large jar that was empty. First he filled it to the top with sizable, flat lava stones so they would stack well. He then asked his students, “Is the jar full? “After exchanging views they all agreed, “Yes, it is!”
Then the professor revealed a container of pebbles and began pouring them into the jar and lo and behold they flowed through the gaps of the lava stones filling the jar to the top. The professor asked the students, “Is the jar full?” They all smiled and agreed, “Yes, it is!”
Once again the professor reached for a container he had hidden away. This one was full of sand. He began pouring the sand into the jar where in it seeped easily in between the remaining openings of the stones and pebbles once again filling its way to the top.
The professor asked the students, “Is the jar full?” They students laughed and once again agreed, “Yes, it is!”
“Right!’, he said to all.
The professor went on to explain the symbolism of this exercise as an invaluable life lesson through these three points:
- The large lavage stones represent the major aspects of your life – your dimensions as a human being – your values, your spirituality, your wellbeing, your gifts, your family, your health, your career and circle of support like friends.
- The pebbles represent the secondary aspects of your life – your home, car, your valued possessions and your hobbies and leisure activities.
- Lastly the sand represents the little stuff – the daily tasks and details that many times fill up our days – the business of doing stuff.
The Life Lesson is to Honor Yourself by Treasuring Your Time –
The Opportunity revealed is:
Real Joy Comes from Taking Care of the Important Things First and The Rest Will Fall Into Place With Out Resistance.
What joyful wisdom for life! To the Chemistry Professor the key to joyful living is focus and prioritizing what flows into your life – the pebbles and sand of life are not the source of joy. They may buy a moments of happiness but they do not last and sometimes they event have the opposite effect – they add stresses that are insurmountable, financially and emotionally as after effects. I am sure if you are objective you can identify examples in your lives like this – I know I can.
Good News Monday: Professor Shares Joyful Wisdom is a precious gift to start the week. Prioritizing what is important is not a once a year New Year’s Eve task list that never realizes lasting results. It is a daily opportunity to refocus and refresh to make certain your life is on track with what is most important and framed well for you to enjoy all it has to offer.
You must trust this is true. Try it and let go of the little stuff and the stress that comes with it.
What do you think of the Professor’s story? Let me know what your experience.
To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,