Spanista » Self Care Rituals, Reflections & Resources for Joyful Living by Ginny Shiverdecker

Good News Monday: Dr. David Linden’s New Book Explores Touch


Dear Wellness Seekers,

Good News Monday: Dr. David Linden’s New Book Explores Touch is a very exciting new point of view on a subject that we know very little about. The scientific world appears to have overlooked the importance of this aspect of the human element until recently. Spanista suggests time for a conversation that sheds light on this important subject – something we’ve taken for granted for too long.

The importance of Touch to our wellbeing became an area of fascination to me several years ago. So much so that overtime it became the impetus for the creationof The Spanista Self Care Philosophy. Read more about this in Spanista’s About tab.  Dr. Linden’s The Power of Human Touch, The Compass of Pleasure reveals insights essential to our wellbeing. Yet as we go through life we may find ourselves experiencing less and less of it. This lack is having a devistating emotional and physical impact on our psyche and physicality and we until now have no clue why. My theory is that our bodies not only crave human touch but require human touch to feel fully alive and to be healthy and emotionally well.

Without the benefit of Human Touch we:

1. Carry higher levels of stress hormones, overtime manifesting in physical aliments

2. Are more inclined to be anxious about things in life

3. Are less likely to try new things

Through my own personal journey, I became so enthralled with this notion I began digging deeply into the subject and found this area of scientific study shallow. The Massage and Metaphysical aspects have been explored from many dimensions given the rich cultural roots of the latter. The medical science field had failed to thoroughly research this behavioral function. So that is why I want to share my discovery of Dr. Linden’s new book. It came to me while driving along Sewalls Point Bridge to Stuart Beach that I heard the review on Fresh Air, NPR (National Public Radio). Check it out – it is enlightening in many ways.

Good News Monday: Dr. David Linden’s New Book Explores Touch, The Science of Hand, Heart and Mind opens up a new level of understanding on this vital topic. And as far as Spanista is concerned, this is groundbreaking and not a moment too soon because our human society is so full of distractions from what is important and so full of stress we are missing the point about what it means to be human. Dr. David Linden is a neuroscientist at John Hopkins Medical University in Baltimore, Maryland. The book covers many themes that highlight why touch is so important to our wellbeing. A worthy read. You can find it at

BTW  – Spanista immediately recommends booking a massage for obvious reasons. If you are feeling any type of stress right now, the hands of a gifted therapist can begin to open up your body to receive the gifts of human touch with caring intentions.

To Your Self Care Journey To Joy,


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